You were one of my best friends. You don't know how much I want to text you or call you even though I know there's no use in doing it. For awhile I was upset with you for not letting me know how you were feeling or what you were dealing with because you know I would have understood especially because of all of the stuff you knew about me. You knew more than anyone else from my joy of painting to the things you know I was too ashamed to tell other people. You never judged me regardless of what I told you, you were still there encouraging me and telling me that everything was going to be ok. You were like the big brother I have never had and I loved you for that. I can't help but wonder if there was something I could of done or signs I could have seen to try and help you somehow. I can't even explain how much I miss you. I miss not being made fun of because I was a klutz or had one of my blonde moments. I would give anything to get in an argument with you over wanting a dinky japanese car and you telling me that japanese robots were going to take over the world someday. I miss you so much Dillon and so many other people do, I wish you could see just how great of an impact you had on this world and how dearly you are missed. You will always be in my heart, I love you Dillon and I miss you